

The page "My Musical Works" shows all your musical works that have been automatically synched from the artist profiles linked to your Bridger account.

NOTE: To correctly collect the related copyright royalties, you need to submit these works. Also, we need to know if there are any other co-creators for these musical works and what are their roles.


At Bridger, there are several different statuses that we use to inform you of the current stage of the activation process your musical works are in: 

To be completed  ⮕  In Process
or Split approval is in progress or Processed with Bridger  ⮕  Registration Accepted.


mceclip0.png To be completed  You need to submit your work and indicate the splits
mceclip0.png  Conflict with CMO/PRO/MRO  This musical work has generated a conflict with another CMO/PRO or MRO when collecting royalties. To solve the problem and restart the collection, please get in touch with us as soon as possible
mceclip0.png  Submitted or In process  You have submitted your musical works, and we are currently making sure we have all the information needed. We will get back to you if we need any additional information to validate your submission.
mceclip0.png Split approval is in progress  You have added one or more co-creators for that musical work. We are currently waiting for the co-creators' approval or dispute. If you have any questions please contact us
mceclip0.png  Not original work  You’ve indicated that the musical work is “not an original creation." You need to send us the usage authorizations that apply to the musical work to start collecting the related copyright royalties. Without these authorizations, you will need to delete these musical works from your account. Contact us if you have any questions.
mceclip0.png  Missing Information  Some information is missing in order for us to start collecting the copyright royalties generated by this musical work. Please contact us to fill the gaps.
mceclip0.png  Rejected registration  The submitted information have not been approved. Further review is necessary before we can start collecting your rights for this musical work. musical works, and we are currently making sure we have all the information needed. 
mceclip0.png  Registration Accepted   Your musical works have been correctly submitted and validated.




Related articles:

mceclip0.png  Declare/Submit your musical works

mceclip0.png  Adding co-creators




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